Blog for Highland Park

Welcome to the Blog for Highland Park, a weblog chronicling events in Highland Park, NJ from an alternative perspective to the often one-sided slant of the official borough newsletter.

My Photo
Location: Highland Park, New Jersey, United States

I am a freelance writer and community activist who has worked on many progressive and Democratic political campaigns over the last 25 plus years and a lifelong resident of Highland Park, NJ. I have a BA in Journalism from Rutgers University, an MA in Middle East Studies from Harvard University, and an MEd in English Education from Rutgers Graduate School of Education. An enthusiastic amateur astronomer, I have just completed Swinburne University Astronomy Online's Graduate Certificate of Science in astronomy and am pursuing a Masters of Science in astronomy at Swinburne. I am also an actress with experience in theatre and film and have written a full length play. I am currently working full time on a book "The Little Planet That Would Not Die: Pluto's Story."

Tuesday, July 12, 2005

The Other Borough Newsletter

Welcome to the Blog for Highland Park, aka the OTHER borough newsletter, the voice of the opposition to the current administration. This blog is intended as a counter to the Highland Park Quarterly, an official borough publication that contains more propaganda--mostly borough officials congratulating other borough officials--than genuinely useful information. The people of this borough deserve better than ten pages of one-sided rhetoric about why redevelopment is "so wonderful," endless photographs of the mayor, and no opportunities for expressing other views through letters to the editor. The Highland Park Quarterly looks like a newspaper, complete with advertisements, newsprint, etc., but in reality, it is more like Highland Park's version of Pravda (which, ironically, means "the truth").

So here is a journal that is exactly what it says it is, the other point of view. This blog is an outgrowth of my recent campaign for Borough Council, where I discovered how extensive the misinformation in town is and how little people really know about the inner workings of borough government. My goal is to shine the light on those issues, actions, votes, etc. going on in borough government that never see the light of day and to present another perspective that is held by many voters in town but not represented on the Governing Body.

This blog is and will be completely separate from my non-partisan email newsletter promoting local events, which will continue to be non-partisan and non-political.

I look forward to contributing to public debate and hope this blog will become another source of information in Highland Park. And if any readers have stories, information, etc. about dealings with borough government that you would like to make public, please email me at

Power to the People!