A New Year's Resolution
WHEREAS, the Borough of Middlesex has completed it Visioning Process under a grant from the Office of Smart Growth; and
WHEREAS, A. Nelessen Associates conducted the process to completion: and
WHEREAS, A. Nelessen Associates presented the Borough of Middlesex with its work products titled: Recommended Vision by the People of Middlesex (June 2005) and a Master Plan Amendment; and
WHEREAS, the Mayor and Council of the Borough of Middlesex accepted the Recommended Vision by the People of Middlesex at their Public Meeting of July 12, 2005; and
WHEREAS, it is not the desire of the Mayor and Council of the Borough of Middlesex to use Eminent Domain to implement any of the suggestions or recommendations of the Recommended Vision by the People of Middlesex;
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Mayor and Council of the Borough of Middlesex, County of Middlesex, State of New Jersey pledge to the property owners, business owners and residents of the Borough of Middlesex not to use Eminent Domain while moving forward in implementing the Recommended Vision by the People of Middlesex.
Many of us in Highland Park would like to see our borough follow Middlesex's example and adopt a similar resolution. All that needs to be changed are the references to Middlesex, which can be substituted with "Highland Park." The Council has already been presented with a copy of this resolution. Adopting it would go a very long way toward easing the anxiety and trepidation of many property owners both in and outside the current redevelopment zone by assuring them in writing that the borough will forego any use of eminent domain.
Within the next few weeks, Highland Park Citizens for Property Rights Protection will be collecting signatures asking the Council to adopt this resolution. If you believe the taking of property to hand it over to private developers is wrong, please sign this petition and please come to Council meetings and urge adoption of this resolution.
Happy New Year!
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